URL | Intro. | Mainland China Availability | Overseas Availability |
http://captive.apple.com | Link used by Apple devices to detect whether Wi-Fi requires authentication login | ๐ก SLOW (akamai) |
๐ข FAST |
http://www.apple.com/library/test/success.html | Link used by Apple devices to detect whether Wi-Fi requires authentication login | ๐ข FAST | ๐ข FAST |
http://ping.ui.com | Ubiquiti's connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ข FAST |
http://cp.cloudflare.com/generate_204 | Cloudflare's connectivity test address | ๐ก SLOW | ๐ข FAST |
http://detectportal.firefox.com/success.txt | Firefox's connectivity test address | ๐ก SLOW | ๐ข FAST |
http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 | Google's connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ข FAST |
http://www.google.com/generate_204 | Google's connectivity test address | ๐ด Blocked | ๐ข FAST |
http://connectivitycheck.gstatic.com/generate_204 | Google's connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ข FAST |
http://www.msftconnecttest.com/connecttest.txt | Microsoft's connectivity test address | ๐ก SLOW (akamai) |
๐ข FAST |
http://edge.microsoft.com/captiveportal/generate_204 | Microsoft Edge's network connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST (Microsoft anycast) |
๐ข FAST |
http://g.alicdn.com | Alibaba Cloud CDN address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ข FAST |
http://tangram-1251316161.file.myqcloud.com | Tencent Cloud CDN address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ก SLOW (only CN IP) |
http://www.qualcomm.cn/generate_204 | Qualcomm's connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ข FAST (Cloudflare) |
http://wifi.vivo.com.cn/generate_204 | VIVO's connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ข FAST (China Telecom International CDN) |
http://connectivitycheck.platform.hicloud.com/generate_204 | Huawei's connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ก SLOW (Huawei CDN) |
http://connect.rom.miui.com/generate_204 | Xiaomi's connectivity test address | ๐ข FAST | ๐ก SLOW (only SG IP) |